
"Thanks, I feel fine...

...but I'm surprised you noticed. Don't you require a step-ladder to see over my cube wall?"

That's what I should have said to the 5'3" little man who just told me I looked tired and then, when I insisted I wasn't, suggested I see a doctor.

(Hrmph. I have no zits, perfectly applied eyeliner, and a head full of fresh highlight. I find myself quite radiant. Douchetard.)

Instead I smiled and said, "Oh yeah, I'm usually kind of low on iron. I've had problems with it before."

GD me and my congeniality.

Speaking if congeniality, I used to know this girl who did pageants. She wasn't especially pretty; actually she looked exactly like her older brother but with long blond hair which was really quite nice but her brother wasn't Orlando Bloom so overall she was unimpressive. However, she imaged herself a great beauty and I guess confidence is alluring (or she was a succubus) cause guys, including the one I wanted for myself, seemed to like her. Anyway, the summer between her Freshman and Sophomore years, she was voted Miss Congeniality in some local pageant (probably Princess of the Barren Prairie or something like that) and she talked about it all freakin year like it was something important.

(This story is related to nothing at all and probably makes me sound petty and jealous and maybe even ugly, but that's okay, because I was. Well, maybe not ugly, but I did well in school and wore glasses and didn't have freakin blond Rapunzel hair or a convertible or even a boyfriend and dammit i probably actually was ugly and I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE WAS VOTED MISS CONGENIALITY!!!!)

Did you know that I started this entry at least a month ago? I've been busy eating and it's pretty hard to type when you've got a cheeseburger in your hand so it's been awhile since I've made any meaningful contribution to anything except maybe my cholesterol level. I shouldn't have even mentioned it because now I can't stop thinking about dinner and I'd do many an illicit thing in the name of manicotti.

I'll do better, I promise.


Here I go...

....again on my own. Goin down the only road I've ever known.

I opened with that cause I'm going to Bon Jovi on Thursday and Whitesnake is not Bon Jovi.

I'm totally a victim of blogcommittmentphobia but I brougt this back cause I really really wanted a place to use "Legion of the Candy Heart," which won't fit on a vanity plate or the back of a football jersey, but will fit in your browser's address bar, so what the hey, eh?

You know what else doesn't fit on a vanity plate? "YEAH I DRVE A MINIVAN, BUT SO F'N WHAT? TRANS AMS ARE FOR LOSERS!"

My apologies, not the most captivating of entries but 4:30 calls and if I don't make it out in time, I'll turn into a stapler.